This trick makes Adobe Reader(for .pdf files) load almost as fast as notepad(Honest!)
It is one of my all-time favourite tricks!
It took me far too many years to finally get sick of how slow Adobe Acrobat loads PDF files. It was taking between 10 and 30 seconds to load a single file. How could this be? Well, I found a solution and I highly recommend it to everyone, everywhere - it’s that good.
Every time you run Adobe Acrobat up to 20 plugins are loaded unnecessarily - most users do not need even a fraction of them!
To disable unneeded plugins and make them optional instead, follow these instructions:
- Install the latest version of Adobe Acrobat - you can get it here
- Browse to the plugins folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Reader\plug_ins
- Create a new folder named Optional
- Move all files from the plug_ins folder to Optional, except EWH32.api, print*.api, and Search*.api
You might also want to use the FoxIt pdf reader, which is faster, and more efficient.